Name of company
W D Bindery Services
Registered office
6 Jealotts Hill
RG42 6ES
Contact details
Tel: 07966 467855
VAT no. GB812872429
Payment Terms and Conditions:
Title of all goods does not pass utill payment has been received in full.
All prices are in pounds sterling and quoted excluding VAT unless stated.
On completion of all works an invoice will be raised. The total amount will be due for payment within 30 days from the invoice date. All invoices are in pdf format and emailed to the accounts department. Should payment not be received within 30 days you will become in default, you will be notified via email to your accounts department. We allow 7 days for payment. If the account is still in default, we will charge 1.5% interest on the arrears amount for the first 30 days, 3% for the next 30 days and 6% per month every month over 60 days until full payment is received. Interest will only be charged on the capital amount owing. Should the account go into arrears for more than 60 days your account will be placed in collection where an additional £50 administration fee will be added. If any collection action is necessary the customer agrees to pay W D Bindery Services all of the costs in collection, including, but not by way of limitation, Solicitors fees, filing and service fees and court costs, whether or not the action proceeds to judgement and collection charges.
W D Bindery Services
Mob: 07966 467855