If you would like to add a tesimonial to our site please email michelle@wdbindery.co.uk
The Myanmar Story
I have used WD Bindery Services many times to relocate and install a wide range of bindery equipment, Wesley and his team always deliver a first class service, on time and on budget! Highly recommended!
Thank you on behalf of Carlos and most certainly myself for an excellent dismantle & loading of the Pantera Line.
You are without doubt an outstanding competent Engineer with a great attitude.
Thanking you again for all your attentions.
WDBS are the most competent company we have dealt with in the past few years. They have resolved problems many others could not solve on our Acoro A5, always great support and back up from them. We now have total confidence in them and are now our main engineers to our bindery.
W D Bindery Services
Mob: 07966 467855
E-mail: wdennehy@aol.com